We're seeing great results with our LUNA BookReader. The BookReader provides users in the LUNA Viewer with an intuitive way of interacting with multi-page documents such as books and newspapers. BookReader objects incorporate a seamless page flip effect, and allow users to browse or search the complete text of a document as well as zoom in on the details of a particular page.
One of the institutions making the most of the LUNA BookReader is The George Washington Masonic National Memorial Association. For the past several months we've been working with them to migrate their existing digital archives into LUNA. The public collections currently consist solely of books and pamphlets, and we've helped create BookReader objects for each of these items. As they grow their collections in LUNA, they're making an impressive set of documents available, with the long-term goal of digitizing every page and word of their history back to 1733.
The Masonic Digital Archives provides a great example of how good book collections can look in the right user interface. LUNA allows them to make their content readily accessible and to promote that content to their audiences.
Look for our next major release to support creating BookReader objects using the LUNA Library.
Related Post: Two Beautiful BookReader Objects