LUNA supports a variety of options to Share and Receive collections and content with audiences.
Embed a search query or media group from LUNA in a website or LibGuide with options to customize the view.
Share collections to/from other LUNA instances. LUNA supports Collection Sharing.
Organize and share collections to/from non-LUNA sources that are IIIF Activity Stream enabled.
Customizable Embed Feature in the LUNA Viewer
7.5.3 introduces a variety of customizable options for Embed to provide a complete integration in an external page without ever jumping back to LUNA. Embed makes it easy enough for anyone to use, without the need to know HTML.
Following is an example pulled from our LUNA Demo instance. This represents a media group in the David Rumsey Historical Map Collection and displays the resulting set of 17 images.
Click on the hamburger icon in the upper left to search and filter your results. Click on an image to zoom in.
LUNA Commons with shared NASA Images & Cartography Associates Collections
Collection Sharing—
Share and Receive LUNA Collections
LUNA Admins can make collections accessible and add shared collections to share through their LUNA instance.
Diversify and deliver collection for research and teaching.
Participation is free. Collection Sharing is available to all LUNA clients for no additional charge.
Reach a broader audience and promote your public collections through the LUNA Commons.
Consortia? Our model for the LUNA Commons also works for consortia. You create the shared instance that consortial participants can contribute collections to for distribution.
Collection Categorization—
Create collection groupings through Categorization
With Collection Categorization, LUNA Admins can organize collections to streamline delivery and encourage discovery.
This demo instance of LUNA illustrates how a LUNA Admin can add public LUNA and non-LUNA (IIIF Actiivy Stream enabled) collections to provide additional content to users.